Kickboxing starts tomorrow Try it out Saturday at 10:30am. Bring your jumprope and gloves if you have them.
Krav Maga Workshop – Sat, Feb 9th from 1-3pm. If you’re coming to the workshop, drop a line so they can get an accurate headcount!
Class is $25 for members and $40 for non-members. Beginners are welcome.
Finding Joy in the Journey, from the Whole Life Challenge blog:
Wins are satisfying, but it’s important to remember there is joy in the journey itself. There is joy in the work. Joy even in the suffering — in the lessons you learn, the strength you gain, and the self-confidence that builds as you gain experiences, wins, and even losses.
Falling in love with the journey requires you to truly experience the journey. To take a moment to recognize all the elements your senses are experiencing as you work toward your goals: the smells, the feeling on your skin, the sounds, the sights, and the feelings.
Love the journey to the top. During times of grueling labor or discouragement, ask yourself, “What am I meant to learn from this?” When you find yourself feeling impatient and restless, ask yourself, “What will I miss most about these days?” Remember it is the struggle that builds the character you’ll need to succeed when you reach the top of the mountain.
Blog photo via Coach John’s Instagram
0:00 – 12:00
Super Dynamic Warmup
Instructor Mobility
12:00 – 25:00
Kipping Pull-up Practice
Overhead Position Screen
Strict Pull-up Screen (must be able to do 3 reps strict to safely kip)
Controlled Swing on bar (hollow/arch)
Drive – load the hips as you come behind the bar
Kip up on floor
swing-drive-kip and pull chin over bar
Return phase (cycle to the next rep)
25:00 – 45:00
Levels 2-4
5 Sets (E4MOM)
3 Power Cleans (same weight each set)
5 Strict Pull-ups
L3/4: 85+% all 5 sets, C2B pull-ups
L2: ABOVE THE KNEE HANG POWER CLEANS, add weight only if technique is good
Level 1
20 minutes
5 sets (E4MOM)
8 Double Kettlebell Farmer Deadlift
5/5 Dead Cleans
10/10 Single Arm Rows
45:00 – 50:00
Workout Prep
50:00 – 60:00
Levels 2-4
20 Swings
20 Plank Up/Downs
L4 – 32/24
L3 – 28/20
L2 – 24/16
Level 1
16 Swings
16 Plank Up/Downs