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Friday 12/7/12


Today is dedicated to the local instructors that have helped us become better instructors and, equally important, better students. Teaching people how to move is a difficult task. The most valuable asset we share as instructors is communication. We have been fortunate to collectively train with Eric and Brian for nearly 7 years now. They both have an incredible ability to find the right cue that causes difficult movement to click for students. Thank you for your mentorship over the years and into the future.  (Pictured above are Eric Sepeda, Atlanta Krav Maga & Fitness, and Brian Hill, Fusion Mixed Martial Arts.)

Dynamic Athletic Movement

3 Sets
Hip Mobility Sequence
10 Ring Push-ups

Back Squat

Tabata Squats
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-ups
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Swings