You are currently viewing Friday 12/6/14

Friday 12/6/14

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X’s & Y’s Update:
Rx Team “CFSQ” – LB & Sara Ann
WOD 1 start time: 9:24am
WOD 2 start time: 10:36am

Rx Team “Shandrew” – Shannon & Andrew
WOD 1 start time: 10:00am
WOD 2 start time: 11:12am

If you want a ride to the competition and an Americano with heavy cream (the drink of champions), meet us at the gym at 6:45am.

Please get your RSVP’s for the Holiday Party in stat!  Acceptable regrets include giving birth. We’ll see you there!

Dynamic Athletic Movement

3 Sets
10 Hurdle Over-Unders (5R/5L)
10 Push-ups
10 Kettlebell Swings

5 x 1+1+1
3 Position Clean (Tall, Above the Knee, Floor)

8 Minutes AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
15 Ball Slams*
4 x 10yd Shuttle Run

*To date, only one person has managed to slam the med ball so hard that it busted. You break it. You buy it. You earn a lifetime of respect.