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Friday 12/20/13


CrossFit For Costello is tomorrow!! Doors open at 9:30. Workout starts at 10:00am. Barry and the rest of the Costello family will be there to cheer you on! Minimum donation of $10 to participate in the workout. Come checkout hoodies, shorts, strength wraps and plenty of other goods from Box Stalker after the workout. If you sweet talk Burklow, he might even buy you a can of Double Awesomeness afterwards.

400m Weighted Run
70 Wall Balls Shots
70 Situps
70 Pullups
70 Air Squats
70 Kettlebell Swings
70 Cleans
400m Weighted Run

Barry is a partner workout. Partners will run together. Both partners must complete a minimum of 20 reps of each exercise between the runs. The other 30 reps of each exercise can divided however teams decide. Only one partner may work at a time between the runs.

**Slight typo yesterday (Thx Lyndzey). The 30 (not 50) remaining reps can be divided up however teams want.

Thanks to everyone that brought in a Toys For Tots donation!

Jump Rope 3 Minutes

3 Sets
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Push-ups
10 Goblet Squats
10 Inchworms

6 x 2

Sets across at 85%.
Every 2 minutes on the minute.

12 Minute AMRAP
1 Muscle Up
2 Parallette Handstand Push-ups
25 Double Unders