Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Push-ups
20 Alternating Birddogs (hold each rep for one second)
24 Minutes total
Levels 2-4
10 Minutes:
Warmup your Deadlift AND Press: 3 reps each – empty bar, 35%, 45%, 55%
Alternate sets between Deadlift and Press.
After your warmup sets, perform one 45-60 Samson stretch on each side
at 10:00 on the clock,
12 minutes E3MOM (4 sets – 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00)
10 Deadlift at 65%
10 Press at 65% (strict press, no dip/knee bend)
Perform these lifts as a superset–finish the deadlifts, shake out your limbs, take a couple of breaths, and then start the presses. If you are sharing a platform, set up the deadlift bar at the very front so two people can lift at the same time, and stay close to the rack while pressing.
Levels 0/1
10 Double Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift
10 Seated Press
50 Plank Shoulder Taps
10 Double Kettlebell Clean and Push Press
10 Box Jumps
12/12 1 Arm Row
12/12 Single Leg Hip Bridge
“Benz Truck”
3 Rounds (13:15 minutes total)
30 seconds work/15 seconds rest
Repeat each exercise for TWO sets in a row, then move to the next exercise.
Go through the entire sequence 3 times.
Alternating Swings
Hollow Body Hold (pick a version that works for you)
Keep in mind that the idea behind these workouts is that you DO NOT STOP AT ALL during the 30 second work interval. That means if you need to “rest” during the thrusters, you hold the barbell locked out overhead or on your shoulders in the front rack position. If you can’t perform these movements as prescribed for the entire duration of the interval, then GET A LIGHTER WEIGHT or CHOOSE AN EASIER REGRESSION of the exercise that preserves the same general range of motion/overall stimulus and allows you to work at the edge of your capacity. If you are taking breaks during the work intervals, you’re not going to get the intended benefit of the workout.
L4 – 75/55, 22/16
L3 – 65/45, 20/14
L0-2 – Double Kettlebell Thrusters