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Friday 10/11/13

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Call your CF instructor to help you with a household project. Next thing you know, you’re surrounded by Hollywood* and Jason Momoa (aka Kahl Drogo aka Conan the Barbarian). I think we’re all wondering the same thing. Does he even lift? My conclusion is that Jason could crush us the palm of his hand at 6’5” and around 250. Here’s what I could find about some of his recent training…The Conan Workout.

*Little known fact:  In the Krav Maga world, Mario is known as “Hollywood.”

Tonight is the Marietta High School homecoming parade and it’s headed up Cherokee Street. The Square will be blocked off and traffic will likely be a nightmare. The parade starts at 5:30 and the Square will be blocked much earlier. Please plan accordingly.

Dynamic Athletic Movement

10 Minutes
Turkish Getups

5 Sets (20 Min)
1 Weighted Pull-up
3 Strict Pull-ups
5 Kipping Pull-ups

Sled Push