You are currently viewing Friday 1/11/19

Friday 1/11/19

January 14 PM Classes: Wear a MVMNT shirt if you have one to Monday night’s classes for a little  🕺📷 lights camera action 📸💃. Please and thank you

Back on Track. The Whole Life Challenge can’t come soon enough. The holidays plus with those extra helping of winter sweets have resulted in a few extra pounds and too many missed days at the gym. I’m tired of using the holidays, work events, or something slightly off routine as an excuse to put more junk into my body. #overit

Teamwork makes a dream work. Join us for the Whole Life Challenge. We’ll be creating better habits, eating like champs, getting extra flexy and building sexy body machines. Are you read to get on board the train to Gainzville??!

💪 Join our MVMNT Gym team HERE 💪

Have you quit your resolutions already? The Challenge runs from January 19th through March 1st. Your participating MVMNT gymmates will be there to motivate you to stay on track!

Sunday Yoga will focus on Deck Squats and shoulder/overhead mobility. Sunday, 11:30am!

Friday Fun

0:00 – 12:00
Run to Sessions 2x
Instructor Mobility

12:00 – 25:00
Toes to Bar Practice
Overhead Position Screen
Hollow/Arch on floor
Controlled Swing on bar (hollow/arch)
Knee tuck
Kipping Knee tuck

25:00 – 45:00

Levels 2-4

5 Sets (E4MOM)
3 Power Cleans (increase weight each set)
5 Strict Pull-ups

L3/4: work up to 85-90% of 1RM on the last set, C2B pull-ups
L2: ABOVE THE KNEE HANG POWER CLEANS, add weight only if technique is good

Level 1
20 minutes

5 sets (E4MOM)
8 Double Kettlebell Farmer Deadlift
5/5 Dead Cleans
10/10 Single Arm Rows

45:00 – 50:00
Workout Prep

50:00 – 60:00

Levels 2-4

Push Press
Box Jump

L3/4 – 95/65, if you put the bar down before all PP are complete, perform 5+ burpees before picking it back up (add 5 burpees each time)
L2 – 75/55, same penalty as above

So if I drop the bar after 12 presses, I perform 5 burpees then pick it up again, drop it after 10 more presses, now I perform 10 burpees, then finish the set and go on to box jumps. The first time I break up the second set of presses, I have to do 15 burpees, and so on. Good luck finishing this one!

Level 1

6/6 Single Kettlebell Push Press
6 Burpees
12 Box Jumps