Wednesday 10/17/12
CFSQ instructor, Eric Lauterbach, during the swing test at the RKC in San Diego. Warmup Speed Ladder 3 Sets 10 Kettlebell Halos 20 YD Waiter Walk 20 Kettlebell Swings Strength…
CFSQ instructor, Eric Lauterbach, during the swing test at the RKC in San Diego. Warmup Speed Ladder 3 Sets 10 Kettlebell Halos 20 YD Waiter Walk 20 Kettlebell Swings Strength…
Joseph & Sarah Elliott on vacation! Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement 12 Minutes: Hip Mobility Series 10 Goblet Squats 10 Ring Rows 10 GHD Sit-ups Strength 3-3-3-3-3 Back Squat Conditioning 5…
Warmup Run the Long Block 2x 5 Sets 5 Down Dog Pushups 2 Kettlebell Turkish Getups Skill Handstand Practice Strength 5-5-5-5-5 Press Then, 3 Sets Plank Series
Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement 3 Turkish Getups R/L 2 Pressing Getups R/L Conditioning Run the long block 50 Manmakers Run the long block
Warmup Speed Ladder Power 2-2-2-2-2 Clean Conditioning 10 Minutes: EMOM 1 Squat Clean 5 Burpees
Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement 3 Sets 10 Goblet Squats 10 Push-ups 10 Kettlebell Swings 30 Sec Plank Strength 5-5-5-5-5 Back Squat Conditioning 5 Rounds Double Kettlebell Complex Alternate with a…
Warmup Run the long block 2x 2 Sets 10 Halos 3 RKC Armbars R/L 10 Downdog Push-ups 5 Dynamic Hip Flexor Strength 5 Sets Pull-ups Ab Wheel Conditioning 8 Rounds…
Happy Birthday, MARIO!!!!!!!! Warmup Speed Ladder 5 Turkish Getups R/L Strength 3-3-3-3-3 Press Conditioning 10 Minutes AMRAP 5 Sandbag Clean 60 YD Sandbag Shuttle (6x10yds) 15 Box Jumps
Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement 2 Sets Hip Mobility Sequence 10 Down Dog Push-ups 10 Kettlebell Power Swings Strength 3-3-3 Deadlift Conditioning Double Kettlebell Complex Alternate with Partner 5 Rounds: 5…
Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement Assessments Standing Broad Jump 200 Yard Shuttle Run Conditioning 5 Rounds AFAP Run 400 YD 5 Burpees 10 Double Kettlebell Swings 15 Box Jumps