Thursday 7/4/13
Happy Independence Day! Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement 10 Minutes Turkish Getups Conditioning In teams of 2, alternating rounds: "McGhee" 30 min AMRAP: 5 deadlifts (275/185) 13 push-ups 9 box-jumps (24)
Happy Independence Day! Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement 10 Minutes Turkish Getups Conditioning In teams of 2, alternating rounds: "McGhee" 30 min AMRAP: 5 deadlifts (275/185) 13 push-ups 9 box-jumps (24)
July 4th: 9:30AM class only. Schedule is up. Make sure you register! July 5th: 6PM CF class is cancelled. Strength class at 6, NOT 7! Warmup Speed Ladder 10 Minutes…
Congratulations to Sara Ann & Tim as they welcome Wyatt Cash Greene, 8lbs 8oz 19.5 inches long, into the world!!! If you would like to help Sara Ann with meal delivery,…
It was a huge weekend for CFSQ!! Many thanks go out to standard crew: Greg, Joe, Kelvin, Jon, Joseph, Vanessa & Dave. Amy B., Lea, Niki, Robert, Clark & Patrice…
Warmup Speed Ladder 3 Turkish Getups R/L Then, 7 Minutes: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats Conditioning AFAP With 2 Kettlebells Run 400 Yd 25 Clean and Press Run 400…
Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement 3 Turkish Getups R/L Then, 7 Minutes: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats Strength 3-3-3-3-3 Overhead Squat Conditioning 10 Minute AMRAP 20 Wall Ball Shots 10…
Warmup Jump Rope 3 Minutes 3 Turkish Getups R/L Then, 7 Minutes: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats Skill Double Unders (If your Double Unders are solid, try single leg…
Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement 3 Turkish Getups R/L Then, 7 Minutes: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats Strength 3-3-3-3-3 Press Conditioning 3 Rounds AFAP (12 minute limit) 12 Alternating Front…
Warmup Speed Ladder 3 Turkish Getups R/L Then, 7 Minutes: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats Conditioning 5 Rounds AFAP 20 Burpees 10 Double Kettlebell Clean and Squat
Warmup Jump Rope 5 Minutes 3 Turkish Getups R/L Then, 7 Minutes: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats Strength 3-3-3 Deadlift Conditioning 20-15-10 AFAP Sandbag Clean Box Jump