Wednesday 5/27/15
Learn more about the Crossover Symmetry system Dave is using above here.Today we implement a change in how we approach conditioning at MVMNT, at least for the next seven weeks.…
Learn more about the Crossover Symmetry system Dave is using above here.Today we implement a change in how we approach conditioning at MVMNT, at least for the next seven weeks.…
Today marks the beginning of the second phase of our German Volume Training Cycle. We are resetting the loads based on the 10RM numbers from last week. The starting weight…
Memorial Day"Murph"1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Air Squats1 mile RunPartition reps as needed. Wear 20# vest if possible.
Today and tomorrow are the last chance to test your 10RM before the next cycle starts. If you've already got your lifts done, choose one of the last few Saturday's interval…
MEMORIAL DAY MURPH – MONDAY, MAY 25TH @ 10 AM. Powerlifting @ 11 am. All other classes are cancelled. Yes, this is at CFSQ. Yes, there will be scaled options.…
All this week: German Volume Training Cycle TestingDay 4 means most of you should be testing your bench press or deadlift. Those of you NOT lifting today can foam roll,…
MEMORIAL DAY MURPH - MONDAY, MAY 25TH @ 10 AM. Powerlifting @ 11 am. All other classes are cancelled. Murph is an annual tradition in our gym and all over…
As most of you probably know by now, Eric "LB" Lauterbach accepted a major promotion and new position with Nalley BMW in Decatur. His new commute will keep him on…
This week: German Volume Training Cycle TestingHere's what you need to know:Only Level 2 and higher should be testing, unless you just moved up a level during this cycle. The instructor…
WarmupRun to Sessions 2x3 Sets2 Getups per side5 Down dog Push-ups 10 Kettlebell SwingsConditioning"Eschaton"10 Rounds (NFT)40yd Shuttle Run (outside)5 Heavy Kettlebell Swings20yd Walking Lunge (inside)L3/4 - double kbs L2 -…