Friday 8/19/16
Patrice's level of BADA$$: Expert. Bring your BFF: Tomorrow at 9:30 am. Friends that lift together stay together. Keeping our youth fit: Kids MVMNT is making the transition to Young Athletes. Starting in…
Patrice's level of BADA$$: Expert. Bring your BFF: Tomorrow at 9:30 am. Friends that lift together stay together. Keeping our youth fit: Kids MVMNT is making the transition to Young Athletes. Starting in…
Please welcome Katy to the MVMNT Crew!!Bring a Friend - Grab a friend and bring them in for a free workout on Saturday at 9:30 am. Free is good. Read - 4…
Dunk Truck returns September 19th! Sign up is here. Dunk Truck is a unique experience that can empower you to take your wellness to the next level. Dunk Truck is privately owned…
Bring a Friend - Saturday's 9:30 am class opens up to all members of the community. Grab a friend, a brother, sister, partner, any ride or die and treat them…
Four Week Gymnastic Skill Cycle starts today!Much like the last gymnastics cycle, we will be spending 20-30 minutes per session working on these skills, and the exercises will alternate every…
WarmupRun to Sessions 2x3 Sets5 Strict Pull-ups 5 Downdog Push-ups 10 Swings1/1 GetupConditioning"Future Pigeon"Complete 5 rounds of the following:3 Minute AMRAP of:1 Muscle Up3 Power Snatches 9 Swings 1:00 RestL4 - 95/65,…
Beyond the Whiteboard - Remember unlimited members receive a complimentary subscription. Please email to request an account. For those of you that have an account, if you aren't actively…
While you've been watching the Olympic Games on TV, our weightlifting coach, Lyndzey, has been watching in person...and she got to hold the torch IN RIO. I didn't even know…
Congrats to Team Wissing! Geoff and Erin welcomed William Ford Wissing into the world on August 9th weighing in at 7 lb 1 oz. Additional birthday shout outs to Kelly Sauro…
Read/Watch - 5 Tips on How to Improve Your Toes To Bar from The Physio Detective. There is an abundant amount of great info in this article and several videos. Bailey…