Tuesday 12/6/16
From the archives and a MVMNT Gym favorite in the S&C world, Rob Shaul from Mountain Athlete... Sorry, no daisy chain available. Admission to the party - Bring your gently…
From the archives and a MVMNT Gym favorite in the S&C world, Rob Shaul from Mountain Athlete... Sorry, no daisy chain available. Admission to the party - Bring your gently…
Let's get social - It's party time. Get your sitter. Schedule your blowout. Pick up your dry cleaning. The party goes down this Saturday starting at 7pm. Please bring drinks…
Warmup Speed Ladder Hip Mobility Series 10 Downdog Push-ups Conditioning "Nice New Outfit" In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, complete the following: 100 Double…
This is the second time in this cycle I'm posting this video. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to meet the bar and bring into the bottom…
If don't already love John Cena - Read/Watch - John Cena Shows Off His Weightlifting Skills by Hitting a 304lb Snatch from BarBend. And here's an okay clean. Don't forget he's…
MVMNT Winter Social (Media) - Apparently, some of you either aren't my friend on FB (Hey, I'm Ivy) or, gasp, don't use any social media at all. Not to worry,…
This year we're turning up the heat and letting our hair down at gym for the annual Winter Social. Please make plans to join us!! Warmup Jump Rope 3 Minutes…
Warmup Dynamic Athletic Movement Hip Mobility Series 10 Downdog Push-ups Lift Levels 3/4 21 Minutes E3MOM 3 Power Clean + Jerk Increase load every set until form breaks down. Level…
Warmup Jump Rope 3 Minutes Hip Mobility Series 10 Downdog Push-ups ***If you want to try yesterday's workout 'Merchandise' instead of the cleans, warm up thrusters and rowing*** Otherwise-- Lift…
Warmup Run to Sessions St. Hip Mobility Series 10 Downdog Push-ups Conditioning "Merchandise" Split into two teams. Line up behind the erg; each team member will row in succession. You…