Tuesday 6/28/11 Amy Buesing receives her HKC certification from the Iron Tamer, Dave Whitley at Gym Condition in Atlanta. Warmup 5 kettlebell windmills per side 5 overhead kettlebell lunges per…

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Monday 6/27/11 Enter the Kettlebell is the best introduction to kettlebell movements available. Bar none. Pavel Tsatsouline understands strength and power like no other coach, and he has a unique…

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Sunday 6/26/11 "The longer I live, and the greater my experience, the more I am convinced of the virtues (of the ice bath)." - Victorian Strongman Eugen Sandow Ice baths…

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Saturday 6/25/11 Warmup Run 400m 3 rounds 10 face the wall squats 10 kettlebell halos 10 down-dog pushups Band Shoulder mobility Skill Pullup progressions Conditioning 20 minutes AMRAP 5 kettlebell…

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Friday 6/24/11 Warmup 3 rounds 5 kettlebell goblet squats 5 pistols or "Bulgarian" split squats per leg 10 pushups 10 groiners cossack stretch Skill skin-the-cat practice overhead kettlebell duck-walk Strength…

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Thursday 6/23/11 Warmup 15 minutes 30 hip bridges 30 birddogs 30 kettlebell swings 5 single leg deadlifts per side PVC/Barbell Burgener warmup Strength/Power 3x3 snatch (85% 1RM) Skill Ring practice:…

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Wednesday Workout Warmup 10 minutes Animal movements Skill 10 minutes Handstand practice Conditioning Half-Murph Wearing a 20# weighted vest: 800M run 50 pullups 100 pushups 150 squats 800M run

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Tuesday Workout When being attacked on the ground, the goal should almost always be to get back to your feet as quickly as possible. Sometimes, however, it is to your…

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Monday workout Warmup Run 400yd 3 rounds 30 step-ups 10 turkish getups Strength work up to 1RM Press Conditioning 12 minutes AMRAP 5 pullups 10 push press 15 box jumps

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