Your descent should be slow enough to permit you to maintain good form, but it should be fast enough to not waste energy or kill the stretch reflex at the bottom. Many lifters will “dive bomb” their squats. This is a fancy term for dropping very quickly and almost catching the bar in the bottom position before squatting back up. This is okay for advanced lifters who know their bodies and have great technique, but it’s probably unacceptable for about 99% of the rest of the population.

-Jim Wendler

Row 500M
3 rounds
5x kb goblet squat
5x 1 leg squat
5x handstand pushup
10x butterfly situp

Strength – deload week
3×5 squat (40/50/60%1RM)

5 rounds for time
200M run
10x squat (55% 1RM)

KB Sport
10 minutes
Bottoms-Up Clean
6 RPM pace