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Saturday 2/8/14

Speed Ladder

3 Sets
10 Ring Push-ups
10 Wall Ball Shots
10 Pull-ups

Run 400 Yd
50 Thrusters (2x20k/2x14k) OR (95/65)
Run 400 Yd

4 Minute AMRAP***

(Unless you finish 90 reps, then your new time-cap is 8 min, unless you finish 180 reps, then your time-cap is 12 min……..etc.)

15 thrusters (100/65)
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups

***scores are recorded when you are knocked out by the 90 rep requirement, however, I want everyone who participates today to treat this as a 12 Minute AMRAP and continue to work past the 4 and 8 minute mark even if you don’t get the reps needed