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Wednesday 1/13/16

Read-Your Rest Day: Don’t Waste It from Catalyst Athletics. Admittedly, this is so me some nights. I wake up in the morning full of anger and anxiety because I screwed around on my phone for an extra hour before I finally fell asleep. Don’t let it be you. Intention is all well and good but action (and SLEEP) will make the morning much better.

Upcoming Events:

Level 1/2 Test: Monday, January 25th at 7 pm. If you want to take (and pass) this test, sign up is an absolute mandate. You’ll find it in the same place you sign up for class under Workshops.

Level 3 Test: Saturday, February 6th at 10:30 am. Reminder that you’ll need to know to DAM and Speed Ladder in order. Why? Because you are setting the example for newcomers. Do us proud. 

American Heart Association CPR/AED Certification: Sunday, February 7th at 1:00 pm. $30. We have 1-2 spots open for members. Email to secure a seat.

The Movement Fix Workshop: Sunday, February 21st, $199. In a nutshell, specifically designed for athletes and trainers to identity mobility weaknesses, learn how to fix them and set PRs. We’re in. You can learn more here. (Gym is closed all day.)

Gym Closure: This Saturday & Sunday for a chiropractic seminar. 

And of course, registration for the 2016 Open starts tomorrow. 

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series

3 x 10
Overhead Squat
Downdog Push-ups

L3/4 – once through with empty bar, then try to get heavier than last week
L2 – start with pvc, then move to empty bar
L0/1 – practice with PVC

“Hardcore Ginger”

14 Minutes AMRAP

Levels 3/4
2-3-4 Cleans (squat not necessary)
4-5-6 Handstand Push-ups 
6-7-8 Toes to Bar

L4 – M: 95/115/135/155/175…, W: 65/85/105/125…
L3 – M: 75/95/115/135…, W: 65/75/85/95…, HSPU to an abmat 

The L3/4 workout is 9 Cleans/15 HSPU/21 TTB per round, where each round is broken into 3 sets:

2 Cleans/4 HSPU/6 TTB, 3 Cleans/5 HSPU/7 TTB, 4 Cleans/6 HSPU/8 TTB 

After completing the set of 8 TTB, drop back to 2 Cleans but ADD WEIGHT according to your level prescription and go back through the scheme again. 

Level 0-2
21 Swings 
15 Pike Push-ups (elevate feet on box)
9 Toes to Bar (or 18 V-ups)

L2 – 32/24

The L0-2 workout is a basic AMRAP.  Focus on a good overhead position in the pike/HSPU substitution, keeping the forearms vertical (i.e. perpendicular to the floor) as you press.