You are currently viewing Wednesday 8/1/18

Wednesday 8/1/18

The CrossFit Games start today! You can watch the events live on the CrossFit Games website, Facebook, or on CBS/the CBS Sports app.

Run to Sessions 2x
Instructor Mobility

Levels 2-4
Clean Progression/Warmup

Levels 0/1
10 Swings
1/1 Getup


“The Only Good Nazi is a Dead Nazi”

Levels 2-4
25 Minutes E5MOM (5 rounds)
10 Power Cleans
10 Pull-ups
200 yd Run

L4 – 155/115, chest to bar
L3 – 135/95
L2 – 95/65 OR 2KB cleans

Each round should be close to as fast as possible. You should have about 60-90 seconds rest each interval.
If you can’t keep up with the E5MOM interval at the weight you started with, sit out one round as a penalty for hubris.
Keep your ego in check if you want to make progress.

Levels 0/1
25 Minutes AMRAP
200 yd Run
15 Ring Rows
10 Double Kettlebell Cleans
Rest 60 seconds