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Monday 12/10/18

WAKE UP WAKE UP It’s Monday! You have a full week ahead. Work to do, people to see, weights to pick up. Let’s goooooooooooo.

MVMNT HOLIDAY PARTY at TWO BIRDS TAPHOUSE on Thursday, December 20th. First drink’s on us. Bring your friends and family and let’s hang out!

0:00 – 5:00
3 minutes Jump rope or Quick Feet/Jumping Jack Drills
PVC Drills

5:00 – 12:00
Instructor Mobility

12:00 – 17:00
Kettlebell Hack Squat Warmup
5/5 Tall Kneeling Halo to Lunge
10 Hindu Squats
Hack Squat Practice

17:00 – 40:00

Levels 2-4

5 Barbell Hack Squats
5 Barbell Reverse Lunges per leg
5/5 Plate Halos
5 Strict Pull-ups

Level 1

10 Kettlebell Hack Squats
5/5 Tall Kneeling Halo to Lunge
3-5 Controlled Eccentric Pull-ups (slow negatives: take a 5 count to lower down from chin over bar to full extended elbows)

Level 0
Follow individual instruction from your coach.

40:00 – 45:00
Movement Practice and Workout Setup

45:00 – 55:00

(10 minute cap)

Levels 3/4
15-10-5 Reverse Lunge to Single leg Press/High Knee
10-15-20 Pull-ups

L4 – 24/18, aim to finish in 6 minutes
L3 – 20/16, aim to finish in 7 minutes

Level 2
15-10-5 Reverse Lunge to Press
10-15-20 Pull-ups

L2 – 20/16, band assist pull-ups ok

Level 1
12-8-4 Reverse Lunge to Press
15-15-15 Ring Rows

Level 0
per coach’s instructions

57:00 – 60:00
Tabata Push-ups (3 minutes)
6 sets – 20 seconds max reps followed by 10 seconds of recovery