You are currently viewing Wednesday 9/3/14

Wednesday 9/3/14

CrossFit Marietta Square MVMNT Deadlift Socks

5pm was a beautiful sea of bright knee highs and perfect deadlifts. When your shins are covered, you don’t have to be afraid of the bar. PR city.

MVMNT Striking: All memberships include striking! It will count as one of your classes. For example, if you come to the gym twice a week, you can use one of those classes to come to striking (and/ CF and/ kettlebell classes).  Anyone can drop-in to Striking for $10. Striking only memberships available.

The Olympic Lifting Clinic scheduled for Saturday has been cancelled due to low sign up.

Don’t forget your wristbands!

Run to Sessions St.

Break reps into manageable sets. Micro-sets of 2-3 reps with perfect technique are better than sets of 10 where the last several reps are forced and sloppy. The emphasis is on QUALITY, not speed.

Levels 3/4
5 x 3 Weighted Pull-ups
50 Ring Dips
50 Toes to Bar
100 Air Squats

Level 2
50 Ring Rows
50 Box Dips
50 Hanging Leg Lifts (lift to L position)
50 Air Squats

Levels 0/1
30 Ring Rows
30 Box Dips
50 Hanging Knee Tucks
50 Air Squats

15 Minute Limit
Levels 3/4
4 Rounds AFAP
Run 400 Yd
15 Ball Slams
10 Box Jumps

Level 2
3 Rounds

Levels 0/1
3 Rounds
Sub Step Ups where necessary