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Monday 9/8/14

Level 5/6^^

**Need to do a private test, but want to split the cost with a friend? Email us and we’ll see if we can get you set up with a partner!**

Tactical Strength Challenge
October 4th @ 10am
$25 (includes T-shirt!)
Sign up at
1RM Deadlift
1 Max Effort Pullups/Flexed Arm Hang
5:00 min Snatch Test

Dynamic Athletic Movement

Break reps into manageable sets. Micro-sets of 2-3 reps with perfect technique are better than sets of 10 where the last several reps are forced and sloppy. The emphasis is on QUALITY, not speed.

Levels 3/4
25 Typewriter Pull-ups
50 Ring Push-ups
120 Sec Hollow Rocks
25/leg Pistols to a box

Level 2
25 Chin-ups
30 Ring Push-ups
120 Sec Hollow Hold
100 Jumping Lunges (alternating)

Levels 0/1
30 Ring Rows
30 Ring Push-ups
180 Sec Hollow back practice
100 Lunges (alternating)

Level 1 and higher
5 x 2
Deadlift **Shins must be covered**

Sets across at 80%

Level 0
5 x 5-3-2 (light-medium-heavy)
Kettlebell Deadlift