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Friday August 8, 2014

Whole 9 posed a question. “If you could only do 5 exercises for the rest of your life, what would they be?” I clicked on the link immediately to see which subject matter experts they had listed. I was actually pleasantly surprised. Not only are the experts some of our favorites, their answers are very similar across the board….and, most importantly, align with our philosophy on strength and conditioning. It’s a short, to the point article. Check it out here. Then compare to our level standards (or simply anything from today’s training..spoiler alert, it’s all on there). I think we’re a pretty humble group of instructors, but man, it’s awesome being great at your job!! Be proud of the gym you’re training at. I know I am. **Note who the first SME is. I was almost giddy.

And on that note, Dan John’s Lesson 10: I believe that for overall health, you need to help the body cleanse.

At nearly every talk I give, I note the importance of dental floss. Flossing is really good for you and it seems like it makes a difference in heart health. It takes about a minute to do it, too. But I get emails from guys who tell me, “I’ll do anything to get to X, Y or Z.” When I ask them first to floss twice a day, I get a return email that says something like “that is a problem as…” Listen, if you don’t have the discipline to floss twice a day, good luck with the [insert anything] Diet.

I do all the weird stuff. I use a Neti Pot for my sinuses, and I no longer take allergy medicine, so it “works.” I use a tongue scraper every morning, and learned that some foods really do make mucus, and I always supplement with fiber. Now, I don’t go so far as to do some of the higher-end stuff like colonics, but that’s not a judgment on my part.

I think that taking a little time each day to “cleanse” is worth it to your overall health. To me, it’s like eating vegetables and fruit. It’s got to be good for you at some level. And, let’s be honest, it’s pretty easy to do.

Dynamic Athletic Movement

5 Pull-ups
5 Turkish Getups Right Arm (unbroken)
5 Pull-ups
5 Turkish Getups Left Arm (unbroken)
5 Pull-ups

20 Minutes
Max effort triple Back Squat