You are currently viewing Wednesday 9/11/19

Wednesday 9/11/19

0:00 – 15:00
Animal Mobility

15:00 – 30:00
Front Scales (Standing Straight Leg Lifts)
Back Scales
L-hang practice (knee tuck, single leg, both legs)
Pike Compression practice


30:00 – 40:00
Movement review, workout setup

40:00 – 60:00


First minute: 1 Strict Chin-up + 2 Kettlebell Swings, rest.
Second minute: 2 Chin-ups + 4 Kettlebell Swings, rest.
Third minute: 3 + 6, rest.
Fourth minute: 4 + 8, rest

Every minute add one Strict Chin-up and two Kettlebell Swings.
If you can’t complete the required amount of reps in 60 seconds, start over with 1 Chin-up + 2 Squats on the next minute and continue adding reps as before.

L4 – 32/24
L3 – 28/22
L2 – 24/16