You are currently viewing Monday 1/14/19

Monday 1/14/19

Attention, 5:30 and 6:30pm: Wear a MVMNT shirt to class tonight!

Happier New Year: After the holiday whirl of fun, friends, (and nonstop baked goods), going back to your same old, same old can be a bummer. To head off what can feel like the world’s biggest case of the Mondays, carve out some time to return to your routine. Plan time to work on your health and care, diet, and …. fitness! Think of it as a belated gift to yourself. (The Whole Life Challenge can also help you start some good new habits. Join our team here! We start this Saturday, Eeek!)

0:00 – 12:00
Run to Sessions 2x
Instructor Mobility

12:00 – 25:00
Toes to Bar Practice
Hollow/Arch on floor
Controlled Swing on bar (hollow/arch)
Knee tuck
Kipping Knee tuck
Full T2B
Practice linking reps

25:00 – 45:00

Levels 2-4

5 Sets (E4MOM)
5 Bench Press (same weight each set)
5 HIGH Box Jumps

L3/4: 75% all 5 sets
L2: use your second heaviest set from last week, OR just start conservative and add a little weight every set

Level 1
20 minutes

5 sets (E4MOM)
8 Double Kettlebell Floor Press
30 second Side Plank R/L
10 Box/Broad Jumps

45:00 – 50:00
Workout Prep

50:00 – 60:00
“Featherless Biped”

Level 4
Alternating Overhead Lunges (in place) – 95/65
48 Double Unders

Level 3
Alternating Overhead Lunges (in place) – 65/45
16 Double Unders (do 48 if DUs are easy for you)

Level 2
Same as L3
16 Alternating Farmer Hold Lunges
12 Push-ups

Levels 0/1
16 Alternating Lunges (Goblet if possible)
12 Push-ups

All Levels – Forward Lunges ONLY (no reverse), and please do not drop or set the weights on the turf