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Friday 12/7/18

For Friday Fun I have two links.
1. Nat Geo’s Best photos of 2018 – so far …
2. For everyone about to go on a Whole30, I present A day in the life of Lloyd Squires, Vermont’s ‘best’ bagel maker. That looks like a lot of work!

Bring a Friend Free Saturdays! If you want to help someone out on their fitness journey, bring them by on Saturdays for our 9:30 workout.

First Drink’s On Us Our Holiday Social is on Dec. 20 at Two Birds Taphouse. Party starts at 7pm. So drop by, say hi, and socialize with your fellow MVMNT gym friends 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️

0:00 – 5:00
3 minutes Jump rope or Quick Feet/Jumping Jack Drills
PVC Drills

5:00 – 12:00
Instructor Mobility

12:00 – 17:00
Kettlebell Jefferson/Suitcase Deadlift Warmup
5/5 Single Arm Sumo Deadlifts
5/5 Suitcase Deadlifts
Jefferson Deadlift practice

17:00 – 40:00

Levels 2-4

3/3 Barbell Jefferson Deadlift
3/3 Barbell Suitcase Deadlift
10/10 Chainsaw Rows
30 Second Downdog

Level 1

5/5 Jefferson Deadlifts
5/5 Suitcase Deadlifts
10/10 Chainsaw Rows
30 Second Downdog

Level 0
Follow individual instruction from your coach.

40:00 – 45:00
Movement Practice and Workout Setup

45:00 – 55:00

(10 minute cap)

Levels 2-4
10-15-20 Alternating Single Arm Plyo Sumo Deadlifts
15-10-5 Single Kettlebell Push Press per arm (finish all reps on one arm before switching)

L4 – 24/18
L3 – 20/16
L2 – no rx

Level 1
10 Alternating Single Arm Plyo Sumo Deadlifts
5/5 Push Presses

Level 0
per coach’s instructions

57:00 – 60:00
Tabata Pull-ups (3 minutes)
6 sets – 20 seconds max reps followed by 10 seconds of recovery

If you can’t do pull-ups, just hold on to the bar for 20 seconds instead to build grip strength