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Friday 10/16/15

CONGRATS to our newest MVMNT Athletes: Mike, Patrick, Don & Vicki!!

WLC Day 28: As we head towards the half way point, it’s way too easy to start to lose sight of why you were so pumped to start this journey in the first place. Use this lifestyle practice as a way to keep those reasons right in front of you. Mario and I both started journaling over the last few months. I like next week’s challenge. I challenge you to take it a step further.

Start a journal. A real life, physical, pen to paper journal. Not an app (or this blog) or a word doc, but a true blue. The greats journal first thing when they wake up. Tim Ferriss turned us onto The Five Minute Journal which has you write specific things in the morning and then reflect at the end of the day. (It’s usually less than 5 minutes for me.)

From Tim Ferriss, whose morning journal includes getting the pent up thoughts on paper:

1) I’m trying to figure things out, and this (morning journaling) might help.

For instance: I’ve realized conflicts between goals (become “successful”) and related side-effects one must manage (100x more inbound). I’ve also noted that my big wins in life have come from being aggressive, much like iconic coach Dan Gable, who’s epic rant here is one of my favorites of all time. But the fetters of even a modicum of professional success makes one feel like they have to play defense, or manage instead of conquer. This runs counter to my DNA, which leads to unhappiness. Therefore, I need to divest myself of assets that require “protecting,” or I need to better delegate this responsibility.

That all sounds pleasantly analytical. Aren’t we smart? But perhaps the real value is that…

2) I’m just caging my monkey mind on paper so I can get on with my f**king day.

#2 is key.

Morning pages don’t need to solve your problems. They simply need to get them out of your head, where they’ll otherwise bounce around all day like a bullet ricocheting inside your skull.

Could bitching and moaning on paper for five minutes each morning change your life?

As crazy as it might seem, I believe the answer is yes. Read What My Morning Pages Look Like from Tim Ferriss

TOMORROW – BRING A FRIEND DAY!! Join us for a fun Saturday workout and gift that poor person that has to listen to each detail of your CrossFit class a free workout. 

Don’t forget to join us on the mat Sunday at 10 am for a good stretch after a long week of hard work. 

Did anyone catch the game last night? Who won? 


Dynamic Athletic Movement

3 Sets
10 Downdog Push-ups 
Hip Mobility Series
10 Cossacks

“The Dude Abides”

5 Rounds AFAP 

20 Burpees
20 Weighted Lunges (In place, NOT walking, alternating, 10 reps PER leg, etc.)
20 Toes to Bar

L4 – 32/24
L3 – 28/20
L2 – Goblet Lunge no Rx, sub 2x V-ups if necessary
L0/1 – unweighted Lunges, 2x V-ups or butterfly sit-ups