You are currently viewing Wednesday 7/12/17

Wednesday 7/12/17

WE NEED YOU!! To volunteer for the Liftoff. Specifically, we need 1 person for about two hours (9-11 roughly) to load the bar for the Olympic lifts this Saturday. You should be familiar with the lifts, know bar math and be capable to changing plates very quickly for two hours straight. Please and thank you!

Powerlifting Competition Rules: Click each lift to see OUR rules.


Olympic Weightlifting Competition Rules



The first part, the Clean:

The barbell is centered horizontally on the center of the competition platform. The athlete takes the start position behind the barbell. The athlete grips the barbell and bends at the knees. The barbell is gripped, palm downward and pulled in a single movement from the platform to the shoulders, while either splitting or bending the legs. During this continuous movement upward the barbell should remain close to the body and the barbell may slide along the thighs. The barbell must not touch the chest before it stops at the final position either on the clavicles, chest or on fully bent arms. The athlete’s feet must return to the same line and the legs must be fully extended before starting the Jerk. No part of the body other than the feet may touch the platform during the execution of the Clean. The athlete may recover in his / her own time and must finish with the feet on the same line and parallel to the plane of the trunk and the barbell.

The second part, the Jerk:

The athlete must become motionless after the Clean and before starting the Jerk. The athlete bends and dynamically extends the legs and arms simultaneously to move the barbell upward in one motion to the full extent of the arms, while either splitting or bending the legs. The athlete returns his / her feet to the same line parallel to the plane of the trunk and the barbell with his / her arms and legs fully extended. The athlete waits for the Referees’ signal to replace the barbell on the competition platform. The Referees give the signal to lower the barbell as soon as the athlete becomes motionless in all parts of the body.

Before the Jerk, the athlete may adjust the position of the barbell for the following reasons:

  1. a) to withdraw or “unhook” the thumbs
  2. b) if breathing is impeded
  3. c) if the barbell causes pain
  4. d) to change the width of the grip

The barbell adjustments noted above are not considered to be an additional attempt at the Jerk.

Incorrect Movements for the Clean

Resting or placing the barbell on the chest at an intermediate point before its final position producing a “double clean”; often referred to as a “dirty clean”.

Touching the thighs or the knees with the elbows or the upper arms.

Incorrect movements for the Jerk

Any apparent effort to jerk which is not completed; including, lowering the body or bending the knees.

Any deliberate oscillation of the barbell to gain advantage. The athlete must become motionless before starting the Jerk.


Uneven or incomplete extension of the arms at the completion of the lift.

Failing to finish with the feet and the barbell in line and parallel to the plane of the trunk.

Failing to fully extend the knees at the completion of the lift.

Game Day Nutrition – Keep in mind the following articles do not take into account that 1.) No MVMNT Liftoff competitor needs to “make weight” 2.) You are contesting 5 lifts instead of 2 or 3.

From Matt Gary, CSCS, Supreme Sports Performance Training, Coach to multiple world champion powerlifters.

Immediately after weigh-ins, start drinking water again. Drink at least 16 ounces of water immediately. Then eat some high energy foods. Focus on quality carbohydrates like oatmeal, apples, apple sauce, or bananas on meet day. Include foods that you enjoy as they are easier to get down if you’re nervous. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on wheat bread. They taste delicious and they’re jam packed with calories including carbohydrates and fats for energy. Avoid sugar-filled and high glycemic carbohydrates like grapes, watermelon, candy, and fruit juices. This will spike insulin levels and lead to a crash. You want carbohydrates that will provide sustained energy. You can eat a candy bar when you get ready to deadlift if your energy levels have dipped and you need a quick boost.

There’s no need to concern yourself with protein on meet day. It takes too long to digest and can slow you down. Lastly, it’s important not to change too much on contest day. If you’re not used to eating pancakes with syrup, then don’t all of the sudden eat a short stack before you lift. This could potentially wreak havoc on your stomach. Eat foods that are familiar. After eating your first post weigh-n meal, drink another 16 ounces of water. Then you can introduce sports drinks like Gatorade, Cytomax, or even Pedialyte. There has been research supporting how ingesting a lot of sodium and potassium via sports drinks, immediately after being depleted, can be dangerous. The good news is that if you follow these simple steps of proper hydration and sufficient caloric intake you won’t be dehydrated nor depleted of electrolytes. In fact, you’ll likely be exactly where you want to be. So, in this situation, the sports drinks aren’t dangerous. You can also eat salty foods like plain salt, potato chips, drink a V-8, or canned chicken noodle soups. All of these are ultra high in sodium and will be absorbed quickly so your body will begin to retain more water and then your gear might even fit a little tighter.

Read – Weightlifting Nutrition: Competition Day by Nick Shaw.

Here are the takeaways: Eat & drink water. Eat mostly good carbs, little protein & fat. Meet day is not the day to experiment with new foods, supplements, energy drinks, etc. Eat and drink what your body knows. Afterwards, we can eat and drink whatever we please!


Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
10 Down dog Push-ups

Kettlebell Complex
Right Hand:
5 Swings
5 Clean and Push Press
5 Snatches
1 Reverse Getup
Switch and repeat with Left Hand.



Level 2-4

E4MOM – 24 Minutes

6 Squat Cleans
12 Box Jumps
50 Double Unders

L4 – 155/125
L3 – 135/105, 25 DUs if you can’t string them
L2 – at least 75/55, 10 DUs if you really struggle (at least 1 minute of DU practice per round)

Level 0/1

AMRAP – 20 Minutes

5 Double Kettlebell Clean + Squat
10 Box Jumps
120 Singles