You are currently viewing Tuesday 6/18/19

Tuesday 6/18/19

0:00 – 10:00
Run to Sessions 1x
Animal Mobility

10:00 – 25:00
Windmill (quick review)
– hinge
– hinge and rotate
– hinge and rotate with one leg locked out
– set foot position, rotate into hinge with one leg locked out (ie, windmill)
– weight in bottom hand
– weight in top hand (mobility/stability permitting)*

Half Kneeling Windmill Press (quick review)
– 5 reps on each side, focus on powerful LAT CONTRACTION

Side Press*
– from standing with one bell in rack position, rotate into Windmill stance
– brace opposite arm on bent leg thigh
– press kettlebell out of your lat up toward ceiling
– lower bell and repeat

*if you cannot safely perform a windmill with weight overhead, then keep working with no weight or with a kettlebell in your bottom hand, DO NOT attempt the Side Press

25:00 – 35:00
Kettlebell Snatch Technique Practice
5/5 One Arm Swing
5/5 One Arm High Pull
5/5 Snatch (or Half-Snatch: recover down to the shoulder before hiking the bell for the next rep if the drop from overhead is too much)

(35:00 – 60:00)

“Bella Union”

25 Minutes E5MOM (5 rounds)

Levels 2-4

15 Burpees
10/10 Kettlebell Snatches (can break up reps however you want, just get 10 per arm)
5 Pull-ups
200 yd Run

L4 – 24/18, Chest to Bar
L3 – 22/16, Chest to Bar
L2 – sub dumbbell snatch or 1-arm swings if you can’t kettlebell snatch
Each round should be close to as fast as possible, with the goal of having 2+ minutes of recovery.

Level 1

200 yd Run
20 Two hand Kettlebell Swings (or 10/10 Single Arm)
10 Burpees
10 Ring Rows