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Tuesday 2/19/19

Are you coming to the gym today? Be sure to sign up for your class on Triib. 
Pro Tip –  Sign up for all the classes you’re going to take this week. Instead of making four separate decisions to go to the gym, you’re just making one decision to go to the gym four times. I dont know how that works but, trust me, it works.

Make it a Habit If there’s something you want to improve in your life, why not set a mini-goal from now to the 1st of March? Drink enough water, get enough sleep, make it to the gym x times a week? Whatever it is, finish out February strong!

Q&A with Mario is one week away 📚 Next Tuesday at 7:30pm.

0:00 – 15:00
Super Dynamic Movement
Instructor Mobility

15:00 – 25:00
Workout Specific Practice

25:00 – 60:00

“Cobra Gold”

3 Rounds:

Jump Rope
30 Alternating Kick Throughs
10 Swings
30 180 Switch Stance Squat Jumps (touch floor with both hands at the bottom of the squat)
10 Swings
30 Plank Up/Downs
10 Swings
30 Alternating Crossover Lunges
10 Swings
30 Crouching Beast Push-ups
10 Swings
30 Superman Rows
10 Swings
30 Alternating Cossack Lunges (step back to standing between reps)
10 Swings
30 Bicycle Sit-ups

L4 – 100 DUs, 32/24k
L3 – 50 DUs, 28/22k
L2 – 200 Single Unders, 24/20k
L1 – 150 Single Unders OR 90 Seconds Quick Feet