You are currently viewing Thursday 12/21/17

Thursday 12/21/17

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
10 Downdog Push-ups
20 Alternating Birddogs (hold each rep for one second)
10 Russian Babymakers
10 Hawaiian Squats per leg (hold on to the pull-up rig or a box if necessary for balance)

Normally we do this one on Christmas Eve, but 1) we aren’t open this Sunday, and 2) several of you have approached me about having it during the week because you’ll be out of town on Saturday (which is when I was going to put it in the program), so here it is. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals.


12 Pains of Christmas (45 minute limit)

Exercises are performed in successively increasing rounds, just like the bizarre song about game birds and dancing lords and ladies:
1 Clean and Jerk; then 2 HSPU’s followed by 1 Clean and Jerk; then 3 Ring Dips followed by 2 HSPU’s followed by 1 Clean and Jerk; etc.

1 Clean and Jerk (135/95)   **2Kb Clean and Push Press**
2 Handstand Push-ups  **Downdog push-ups**
3 Ring Dips  **Box dips**
4 Toes to Bar   **hang knee tucks/v-ups**
5 Box Jumps
6 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings (32/24)
8 Pull-ups   **Ring rows**
9 Wall Balls
10 Snatches (95/65)   **Sandbag Cleans**
11 Ball Slams
12 Thrusters (135/95)

L3/4 is as written [however, if you are not PROFICIENT at the barbell snatch (meaning when you’re fresh you can’t do 10 touch and go Snatches at 95/65# then you are doing sandbag cleans]

L0-2 **scaled**

Other modifications will be given on an individual basis.