You are currently viewing Saturday 3/16/19

Saturday 3/16/19

0:00 – 8:00
Speed Ladder

8:00 – 20:00
Instructor Mobility/Animal Flow

20:00 – 30:00
Workout movement prep

30:00 – 55:00

“American Carnage”

25 min AMRAP
In teams of two, only one partner working at a time except on the Partner Pullups and Wall Balls:

50 Burpee Box Jump Overs
50 Cleans
50 Chest to Bar Pullups (your partner will help you get your chest to the bar)
50 Partner Wall Balls (you must catch the ball after your partner throws it up to the line on the wall)

L4 – 135/95
L3 -115/75
L2 – 95/55 OR Sub Dead Clean for BB Clean
L0/1 – Sub Dead Clean, Ring rows for pullups

55:00 – 60:00
Stretch – hip flexors, quads, hamstrings