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Monday 8/29/11

This week we begin another nine-week strength cycle. Throughout the next couple of months, we will train 9 barbell lifts at various intensities, with the goal of developing technical proficiency in the lifts while increasing our working one-rep maximums, so that we can crush the conditioning part of the workouts. In the last cycle we included the weighted pullup as one of our basic exercises; this time around, we’ll drop that and add the bench/floor press. At the same time, we are going to focus on basic CrossFit gymnastic skills in our warmup, which will be a 2-day alternating cycle of upper body pressing and leg work on day 1, and upper body pulling and core work on day 2. The gymnastic warmup is designed to develop the handstand pushup, one legged squat, L-sit, kipping and dead hang pullup, and muscle up.

Row 500M
Hip Flexor stretch
Gymnastic skill testing

Front Squat 1RM

5 rounds
5 Medicine Ball hip flexor toss
100yd Shuttle Run
rest 60s