Chemical Cartridge/Gas Mask respirator. Gas masks are also known as "air-purifying respirators" because they filter or clean chemical gases and possibly particles out of the air as you breathe. This…

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Warmup 3 rounds 5x Down-dog Pushup 10x dead hang pullups 10 KB Halo (alternate directions) 5r/5l 1 arm KB Overhead Lunge 10 KB Floor Press (alternate sides) Skill Handstand practice…

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Warmup Jumprope 2 minutes Run/Skip/Backpedal/Backward Skip 400M Hip Flexor stretch Run 400M while Jumping Rope Skill Double-under practice - 5 minutes Conditioning 20 minutes AMRAP 400M Run 100 Double Unders…

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  Warmup Sandbag getups - 5 minutes Jumpstretch band shoulder activation drills 3 rounds KB walking overhead lockout 30s R/L 10x pushups 30 sec plank Strength - 5/3/1 week 1…

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Happy Mother’s Day! You dont get strong by lifting heavy weights: you get strong by RECOVERING from lifting heavy weights, so make your off days sacred. -Mark Rippetoe Rest!

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To be successful in kettlebell sport, one must become comfortable with discomfort. -Catherine Imes WKC Master of Sport Warmup Animal movement drills Skill Hardstyle KB swing practice KB deadlifts KB…

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